Mental Health

How we can help
Equal Lives support people experiencing, or at risk of, mental ill health, as well as their families and carers.
We are aware of how difficult it can be to access the right healthcare or benefits that you might be entitled to, and we will try to offer help and guidance to support you. We understand the barriers people may face, and the difficulty you may have in explaining your problems to professionals involved in assessing your situation.
If you would like advice and information on accessing mental health services and where to go for support, call our advice line on 01508 491210 or email
We may be able to provide advocacy support and representation when this is needed, including meetings with mental health workers and social workers, some court hearings, employment and welfare benefit tribunals, and appointments with other professionals such as GPs.
You can be reassured that we will be non-judgmental and supportive; we cannot promise that you will get the outcome you want, but we will support you so that you can have your voice heard, and give you honest and accurate guidance about what your rights are and what options are available to you. Our team members are independent. They will work with you and represent your views and wishes and not those of professionals, friends or family members.
Suicide Prevention
Norfolk County Council has details of support available around suicide prevention. This includes a downloadable mobile app called ‘Stay Alive’ designed for those at risk of suicide as well as people worried about them.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
If someone is detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983, or subject to a Community Treatment Order, they are entitled to an Independent Mental Health Advocate. In Norfolk this service is provided by POhWER, and we work closely with them to make sure that people receive the support they are entitled to.
Isolation and Loneliness
if you're at risk of or suffering from isolation and loneliness, consider joining Equal Lives as a member and staying in touch with us. You can find details under the 'membership' tab. Membership can help you find out what is available in your area, you can join in with Member activities and meet new people. It's free, and we'd love to have you!
Useful links
Rethink Mental Illness provides information about conditions, symptoms, medications and treatments.
Mind has a directory of information and support, including guidance on the Mental Health Act, the Mental Capacity Act and rights before, during and after someone is detained under the Mental Health Act and Young Minds which is specifically for children and young people.
Time to Change has a useful web page which also will link you to many other organisations.
The Mental Health Foundation is a good as a source of practical help and self-help.
The Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day, in full confidence. Call their free helpline 116 123.
The Wellbeing Service offers advice and support services, in crisis and in recovery.