Since writing this blog we have changed the date of our AGM, please note the new date is 02.12.22
Have you ever been to an Equal Lives' AGM? An AGM is an ‘Annual General Meeting’. We have them at Equal Lives because we’re a charity and there are certain things we must do each year to keep in line with the rules set out by Charity Commission.
This includes presenting our finances to our membership (that’s you), voting in new or existing Trustees, or making changes to the way we operate through a formal process.
Our AGM is also an opportunity for us as an organisation to see and talk to our membership. We’re so grateful that you take our surveys and help us with research, but it’s always nicer to see you over a cup of tea and chat more generally.
If you’ve been to one of our AGMs before you’ll know that you can meet our trustees, CEO and some of the other staff and volunteers. We present about the last financial year, but we also like to include some more recent work and plans for the future too.
Previous AGMs have often been held face to face, and we do miss being able to do this. But until we can do it safely we’re sticking with online for now. It’s easy to access via a link which will be sent out to interested parties closer to the time.
If you’re a disabled individual or the representative of a user-led group, you may be eligible to vote at our AGM. Your votes count and make such a difference, so please do consider voting if you want to support our organisation.
You can vote before the AGM or you can come along and vote at the time.
Before the AGM goes ahead, we send out everything you need to know so you can easily access what you would be voting about, and have the information you need to join the online meeting.
This year, the AGM will have a guest speaker, and a presentation from a staff member who has been researching Self Driving Cars. There will be a lot of opportunities for disabled people with these new vehicles, so do come along if you’d like to hear more about it.
Some of the information in this blog has been edited. Due to external factors we have had to change the date of our AGM to 02.12.22. We will shortly be sending out official invites to those on our mailing list, which will include full details about how to access the AGM.
Kimberly Myhill, Development Manager